Vinoteka Šturm
Šturmovi so od samega začetka premikali meje. Mimo pravilnikov so zasadili sorte, ki so prav po njihovi zaslugi postale steber današnjega belokranjskega vinogradništva.
Vinogradniško-vinarska zgodba družine Šturm se je začela leta 1968, ko je Otmar Šturm starejši zasadil prve trte na vrhu grička na Pleščem vrhu v neposredni bližini Vidošičev pod cerkvijo sv. Ane, kjer danes stoji tudi zidanica z vinsko kletjo. Starejši Šturm je zgodbo začel kot hobi, danes pojasnjuje njegov sin Otmar mlajši, ki je vajeti prevzel leta 1992 pri komaj 21. letih. Danes po njegovih stopinjah stopata hčerki Valentina in Maša.
Sveža vina iz mlajših vinogradov prihajajo na trg z belo etiketo, vina iz starejših vinogradov in najboljših leg, ki zorijo v lesu, označuje modra, tretjo linijo pa sestavljajo predikatna vina z umetniškimi deli na etiketi. Kot velikim zagovornikom tradicije jim niso tuja niti bela vina s podaljšano maceracijo – črna etiketa, široko paleto vin pa zaokroža klasična penina Ana. Okusite svoj barvni izbor v grajski vinoteki družine Šturm.
The Šturm Vinery
The Šturm family have been pushing the boundaries from the very beginning. They were the first to plant vine varieties that were not in line with the official guidelines but have since become the cornerstones of the wine-making in the region due to their vision.
The vineyard and wine-making story of the Šturm family began in 1968 when Otmar Šturm senior planted the fist vines at the top of a hill at Plešči Vrh, near the Church of St. Anne, in the immediate vicinity of the Vidošiči village. That is still the location of their vineyard cottage and their wine cellar today. Šturm senior started wine-making as a hobby, explains his son Otmar junior who took the reins in 1992, at only 21 years of age. Today his two daughters, Valentina and Maša, follow in his footsteps.
Fresh wines from their younger vineyards enter the market with a white label. Wines from the older vineyards and best locations that ripen in wooden barrels have a blue label and the third line of their wines are the predicate wines with works of art on the labels. As the great champions of tradition, they also make white wines with prolonged maceration which make up their black label. Their range completes with the sparkling wine Ana made according to the classic method. Taste your selection of colours in the Šturm Vinery at the Metlika Castle.