Razgledna točka Veselica
Nad mestom Metlika se dviga vinorodni in razgledni hrib Veselica, zato se Metličani radi pohvalijo, da so edini kraj na svetu, kjer imajo vsak dan svojo V(v)eselico. Veselica, visoka 233 metrov je tudi priljubljena razgledna točka domačinov in izletnikov. Leta 2007 je na vrhu hriba potekalo arheološko vrednotenje, kjer so naleteli na naselbinske plasti z prazgodovinsko lončenino.
Gostišče na hribu Veselica je nekje sredi 19. stoletja zgradil dekan Vincenc Volk. V Metliko je prišel službovat leta 1833, obnovil je cerkev sv. Roka in za njo posadil prve murve v Metliki, saj so leta 1845 začeli gojiti prve sviloprejke.
The Veselica Hill - A Scenic View
Rising above the town of Metlika is the wine-growing scenic hill by the name of Veselica. Due to its name, which is Slovenian for festivity, the townsmen of Metlika like to boast that they are the only town in the world with a party every day. The 233 metre-high Veselica also offers a scenic view much loved by locals and hikers. In 2007, an archaeological survey conducted on the hill uncovered settlement layers with prehistoric pottery.
The inn at the top of Veselica was built in mid 19th century by the local dean Vincenc Volk. He arrived at his job post in Metlika in 1833; he renovated the Church of St Roch and planted the Metlika’s first mulberry trees behind it, as silkworm began being reared there in 1845.