Prva dolenjska hranilnica in posojilnica
Dolga, pravokotna hiša v strnjenem nizu ob notranji strani srednjeveškega mestnega obzidja je nastala v zadnji četrtini 19. stoletja s temeljito predelavo starejše hiše. V njej so leta 1874 uredili prostore Prve dolenjske hranilnice in posojilnice.
Hranilnica je poslovala izredno vestno in je bila vedno likvidna, tudi med gospodarsko krizo. Delovala je tudi v času italijanske okupacije. Leta 1943 je njeno delovanje zamrlo in se nadaljevalo 9. 9. 1945. Predsednik je postal Engelbert Gangl, ki jo je vodil do likvidacije.
The First Dolenjska Region's Savings and Loan Bank
The elongated rectangular building in a condensed series of houses on the interior side of medieval town walls is the result of major renovations of a previous structure, which took place in the last quarter of the 19th century. In 1874, the building housed the First Dolenjska Region’s Savings and Loan Bank.
The bank operated with great meticulousness and was solvent throughout, even during the economic crisis. It also operated during Italian occupation. In 1943 its operation ceased until 9 September 1945. Its final chairman Engelbert Gangl headed the bank until it was liquidated.