Metliški Obrh
Vse do nekje sredine 70. let je bilo v Obrhu perišče. Tu pa se ni samo pralo perila in obdelovalo najnovejših novic. Obrh je bil tudi svojevrstno otroško igrišče, kjer je mularija tacala po vodi, iskala gosja jajca, zbijala čolne in utice, se šla kurje vojske in na bregu zgradila veliko smučarsko skakalnico z mostom preko Obrha. Marsikateri metliški otrok je domov prišel čisto premočen, tudi sredi zime, ko je sanke neslo malo predaleč.
Tu je bil tudi slavni transformator, kjer se je v 80. letih zbiral del metliške mladine. Od perišča je ostal betonski zidec, od skakalnice in transformatorja pa nič razen spominov.
Ta naravna oaza sredi starega mestnega jedra nudi čudovito priložnost za umiritev, ob žuborenju vode in petju ptic.
Obrh spring in Metlika
Up until the mid-seventies the Obrh spring in Metlika was a place where women came to wash clothes. This was not only the place to deal with dirty laundry in the literal and metaphoric sense alike but also a unique children’s playground. Local urchins were wading the water, looking for geese eggs, cobbling together canoes and cabins, had staged battles and even built a large ski-jumping ramp bridging the Obrh spring. Many a child came home soaking wet even in the middle of winter after their sled had an especially impressive long run.
This was also the location of the famous electrical transformer building which was the meeting place for the Metlika youths in the eighties. Today only a wall remains of the old laundry place and nothing but memories of the ski-jumping ramp and the electrical transformer building.
This oasis of nature in the old town centre offers a lovely opportunity for relaxation while listening to the sound of water and birdsong.