Metliški grad in Belokranjski muzej
Metliški grad je bil prvič omenjen leta 1456, verjetno pa je precej starejši. Skupaj z mestom je predvsem v 15. in 16. stoletju igral ključno vlogo pri obrambi Kranjske pred krvavimi turškimi vpadi. Po požarih v letih 1705 in 1790 so ga obnavljali in grajska stavba, ki na Valvasorjevem bakrorezu učinkuje še povsem trdnjavsko, je dobila značaj udobne mestne rezidence.
Že od mlajše kamene dobe dalje so se ljudje radi naseljevali v deželi med Gorjanci in Kolpo. Njihove sledi so danes vidne v zbirkah Belokranjskega muzeja, ki danes domuje v gradu. Ime Beli Kranjci se je pojavilo v prvi polovici 19. stoletja po tedaj tu splošni beli noši in ti prebivalci so potem dali ime celi pokrajini.
Zadnji metliški graščak, dr. Josip Savinšek, je leta 1869 v Metliki ustanovil prvo požarno brambo na Slovenskem. V Savinškovi sobi v Belokranjskem muzeju prisluhnite pogovoru med Josipom Savinškom in Leopoldom Ganglom, poveljnikom metliških gasilcev med leti 1886 in 1905.
The Metlika Castle and the BK Museum
The Metlika castle was first mentioned in 1456 but it could be a lot older. The castle with the surrounding city played a decisive part in the defence of Carniola against the bloody Ottoman incursions in the 15th and 16th centuries. The castle was renovated after the fires in 1705 and 1790 and changed its image from a stronghold depicted in Valvasor’s copperplate engraving to a comfortable town residence.
People have been inclined to settle the lands between the Gorjanci mountain range and the Kolpa river ever since the early stone age. Traces of these early settlers can be seen in the collections of the Bela Krajina Museum, which is situated in the Metlika castle. The name for the inhabitants of these lands “Beli Kranjci” – White Carniolans first appeared in the first half of the 19th century. They were supposedly named after the white of their traditional linen apparel worn at that time. Gradually the region became to be known by the same name – “Bela Krajina”/White Carniola.
The last lord of the castle, dr. Josip Savinšek, formed the first fire brigade in the Slovenian lands right here in Metlika in 1869. In a room of the Bela Krajina Museum dedicated to him you can listen to a conversation between him and Leopold Gangl, the commander of the fire brigade between 1886 and 1905.