Metliški gasilski muzej
Zadnji metliški graščak je bil Josip Savinšek. Na Dunaju je doktoriral iz prava in imel je velik vpliv na dogajanje v Beli krajini, v drugi polovici 19. stoletja. Leta 1869 je v parku pred gradom ustanovil prvo Požarno brambo na slovenskem. Metlika se je velikokrat soočala s požari, lesene, s slamo krite hiše k požarni brambi niso pripomogle.
V čast temu dogodku in delovanju prve požarne brambe, še danes v Metliki deluje Slovenski gasilski muzej, poimenovan po dolgoletnem predsedniku GZS in pobudniku za ustanovitev muzeja, dr. Branku Božiču. Pred vhodom v muzej se lahko dotaknete reliefa, ki prikazuje dr. Božiča.
The Slovenian Firefighting Museum of Dr. Branko Božič
The last lord of the Metlika castle was dr. Josip Savinšek. He earned his PhD in Law in Vienna and had a big influence on the events taking place in Bela Krajina in the second half of the 19th century. He formed the first fire brigade in the Slovenian lands in the park by the castle in 1869. At the time fires were a great menace to Metlika, its wooden and thatched houses making fires difficult to contain.
To commemorate the formation of the first fire brigade, a national firefighting museum resides right here in Metlika. It carries the name of the long-term president of the Firefighting Association of Slovenia and the initiator of the idea for a firefighting museum – dr. Branko Božič. You can discern his features from the commemorative plaque at the entrance of the museum.