Metliška proštija
Proštija se nahaja na mestnem trgu v starem jedru Metlike. Je dom metliških župnikov in tudi sedež fare. Na spominski plošči proštije je razviden podroben opis službovanja Friderika Barage v Metliki, prav tako pa tam stoji tudi spominska plošča Janezu Puharju (1814 – 1864), ki je kot kaplan v Metliki služboval leta 1839. Razvil je postopek fotografiranja na stekleno podlago in s svojimi dosežki izboljšal, poenostavil in pocenil tedaj drage in zahtevne fotografske metode.
Provosty of Metlika
The provosty is located in the town square in Metlika’s old centre. It is the home of Metlika’s parish priests and the seat of the parish. The memorial plaque of the provosty contains a clearly readable detailed description of Friderik Baraga’s service in Metlika. There is also a memorial plaque to Janez Puhar (1814 – 1864), who served as chaplain in Metlika in 1839. He developed the process of photographing onto a glass base; his achievements improved, simplified, and reduced the costs of the then expensive and demanding method of photography.