Metliška mestna lekarna

Metliška mestna lekarna

Zagrebški lekarnar češkega rodu Franjo Wacha se je v Metliko priselil leta 1876. Deset let pozneje je na Mestnem trgu zgradil dvonadstropno hišo in v pritličju uredil novo lekarno.. Na fasado hiše je dal vzidati relief sv. Trojice, po kateri se je lekarna imenovala »Lekarna k sv. Trojici«. Njegov sin Milan je z lekarništvom nadaljeval do nacionalizacije  po drugi svetovni vojni, ko je lekarno prodal. 

The Metlika Town Apothecary

The Czech native Franjo Wacha moved to Metlika from Zagreb in 1876. Ten years later, he built a two-story house on Mestni trg and established a new apothecary. The relief of the Holy Trinity, which he had fashioned on the face of the building, lent the apothecary its name “The Apothecary at the Holy Trinity”. The apothecary passed on to his son Milan, who carried on with the pharmacy business until the apothecary was nationalised following World War II, at which point he sold it.