Makarjeva hiša
Zgradba je primer predsecesijske arhitekture nekdanje Makarjeve gostilne z arkadnim preddverjem. S hlevom vred je služila predvsem porabnikom nekdanje furmanske ceste. Leta 1885 jo je zgradil Giacomo Franz. Nekaj časa je bila v njej gostilna Pri solncu, kasneje pa Makarov hotel. Leta 1966 so bili nekdanji hlevi preurejeni v trgovski lokal, v sosednjih prostorih pa je bilo leta 1970 odprt gostinski lokal Na Dragah. Danes je v preurejenih spodnjih prostorih Mladinski center Metlika, v zgornjih pa ima svoj prostor Mestna godba Metlika.
Makar's House
The former Makar’s Inn building is an example of pre-secessionist architecture featuring a vaulted entrance portal. Along with its stables, it predominately served teamsters hauling on the former transport route. The structure was built in 1885 by Giacomo Franz. For a while, it housed the “Pri solncu” Inn and later Makar’s Hotel. In 1966, former stables were repurposed to serve as a shop, while the adjacent spaces housed the “Na Dragah” catering establishment. Today the renovated spaces on the ground floor are home to Metlika’s youth centre, while the upstairs are used by Mestna godba Metlika [Metlika’s Town Wind Band].