Stavbo s kvadratno ploskvijo so leta 1901 temeljito predelali in ji nadzidali prvo nadstropje. V notranjosti so uredili trgovino oziroma konzum kmetijskega društva, prostore hranilnice in posojilnice, pozneje pa tudi dvorano posvetnega društva.
Stavba še vedno znana kot Konzum je ena najlepših in najbolj šarmantnih v starem mestnem jedru, hkrati pa tudi ena od tistih, ki metliškim odločevalcem povzročajo največ sivih las. Načrtov in idej za prenovo je namreč veliko, denarja pa seveda premalo. Če iščete priložnost za investicijo, ste naleteli na pravi dragulj. Pot pod noge in v mestno hišo, radi vas bodo sprejeli.
In 1901, the building, which features a square floor plan, underwent fundamental renovations including the addition of a new floor. The interior was arranged to house a store, i.e. “konzum” co-op of the agricultural society, offices of the savings and loan bank, and later the hall of the secular society.
The building, which remains known as “Konzum”, is one of the most beautiful and charming structures in the old town centre; however, it is also among those that cause Metlika’s decision makers the most anxiety, because, while plans and ideas for renovation abound, the funds are of course scarce. If you are looking for an opportunity to invest, you came upon a true gem here. Just head for the Town Hall, they will gladly receive you.