Komenda – Srebrni Dvor

Komenda – Srebrni Dvor

Metliška viteška komenda oblikuje skupaj s sosednjo proštijo enoten stavbni sestav. Že pred drugo svetovno vojno je bila v njej hiralnica, potlej so jo nacionalizirali in preuredili v Dom starejših občanov. V komendi zdaj deluje center aktivnosti Srebrni dvor, kjer se ob predhodni najavi lahko udeležite katere od njihovih delavnic. Priporočamo senzorične užitke ob ustvarjanju z glino.

Še vedno je ohranjen portal, ki drži z dvorišča komende k vznožju vzpetine v sotočju z mestno naselbino vrh grebena in je na njeni vzhodni strani vstavljen v nekdanje mestno obzidje. Opremljen je z letnico 1642. Na župnišču, ki je arhitekturno del komende vidimo spominski plošči Janezu Puharju, izumitelju fotografije na steklo in Frideriku Baragi, misijonarju v Severni Ameriki. Oba sta službovala v Metliki.

The Commandry Building - Silver Court

The knights’ commandry building in Metlika forms a building complex with the adjoining provosty. Before the Second world war the building was used as a poorhouse. After the war it was nationalised and renovated into a retirement home. Nowadays the commandry building houses a community centre “Silver Court” offering a range of creative activities. Subject to prior reservation you can participate in their workshops. We recommend the sensory indulgence of working with clay.

Here you can witness a preserved portal bearing the date of 1642 that was inserted into the former town wall on its east side. The portal leads from the commandry yard down the slope to the confluence with the town settlement at the top of the ridge. You will find two commemorative plaques on the wall of the adjoining provosty, one dedicated to Janez Puhar, the inventor of photography on glass, the other to Frederic Baraga, a missionary in North America. They both worked in Metlika for a while.