Hiše nad Bojico
Metlika se je oblikovala na naravnem pomolu oziroma polotoku med Obrhom in Bojico. Polotok je naslejen že od prazgodovine, nedvomno je bil razlog za poselitev ugodna naravna lega, ki omogoča naravno obrambo in pa bližina vodnega vira. In prav naravna danost je razlog, da se je na tem mestu pričela razvijati tudi srednjeveška Metlika, tako imenovani Novi trg v Metliki. Kraj se prvič omenja leta 1300, trške ali tako imenovane mestne pravice je prebivalcem podelil goriško-tirolski grof Henrik II, v prvi tretjini 14. stoletja. Kraj je postal upravno in trgovsko središče goriške dežele in imel vse lastnosti mesta. Mestne pravice je meščanom potrdil goriško – tirolski grof Albreht III, leta 1365. Metlika je doživela največji razcvet konec 19. stoletja, ko so ustanovili prvo požarno brambo na Slovenskem, prvo hranilnico in posojilnico ter prvo čitalnico na Dolenjskem in v Beli krajini. Najbolj zanimiv del mesta predstavlja staro mestno jedro, ki je središče zakladnice kulturne dediščine pokrajine. Staro jedro ima tri trge, kjer se nahaja farna cerkev sv. Nikolaja, Slovenski gasilski in Belokranjski muzej, Metliški grad ter veliko rojstnih hiš znanih Metličanov. Hiše nad Bojico predstavljajo pogled na staro mestno jedro s Ceste bratstva in enotnosti.
The Houses Above Bojica
Metlika developed on a natural promontory or peninsula between the Obrh and Bojica streams. The peninsula has been settled since prehistoric time, undoubtedly due to its suitable location, which is naturally shielded and in close vicinity to a water source. These natural conditions were why medieval Metlika – the so-called Novi trg in Metlika began developing here as well. The town was first mentioned in 1300 and received its market- or so-called town privileges from Henry, Count of Gorizia-Tyrol in the first third of the 14th century. The town became the administrative and trading centre of the Territory of Gorizia and possessed all the traits of a town. The townspeople received a confirmation of town privileges from Albrecht, Count of Gorizia-Tyrol, in 1365. The height of Metlika’s prosperity came at the end of the 19th century, when it saw the establishment of the first fire brigade on Slovenian soil, the first savings and loan bank, and the first reading society in the Dolenjska region and in Bela krajina. The town’s most interesting part is its old town centre, which is the core of the treasury of the region’s cultural heritage. There are three squares in the old centre, which are the locations of the St Nicholas Parish Church, the Slovenian Firefighters’ Museum, the Bela Krajina Museum, Castle Metlika, and several birth houses of notable Metlika’s townspeople. The houses above Bojica represent the view of the old town centre from the Cesta bratstva in enotnosti road.