Hiša dobrot Bele krajine

Hiša dobrot Bele krajine

Hiša dobrot Bele krajine stoji v starem mestnem jedru Metlike, na Mestnem trgu 7. Domačini so se je ob odprtju, julija 2020, razveselili predvsem zato, ker se sedaj pri Martinu, Mojci, Matjažu, Jožetu, Tonetu in ostalih oglasijo le takrat, ko se že dolgo niso videli, tukaj pa lahko njihove izdelke nakupijo na enem mestu. Sem radi zahajajo tudi obiskovalci, ki pridejo v Belo krajino po svojo pustolovščino, zaslužen oddih ali v topel objem Kolpe. V Hiši dobrot ob prigrizku in kozarčku dobijo tudi namige, kaj morajo v Beli krajini še izkusiti preden se vrnejo domov. Domačini opažamo, da je Hiša staremu mestnemu jedru dodala nov utrip. Dobrodošli v Hiši dobrot Bele krajine, kjer vsak obisk postane nepozabno doživetje. Povprašajte po degustacijskih paketih in uživajte ob aromah odličnih vin in v okusu domačih dobrot.

The Bela Krajina House of Delicacies

The Bela Krajina House of Delicacies is located in Metlika’s old town centre, at Mestni trg 7. Locals were predominately happy to see it open in July of 2020 because they can now buy Martin, Mojca, Matjaž, Jože, Tone, and others’ products in one spot and come by in person simply because they feel they haven’t seen them in a while. The House of Delicacies is also beloved by visitors who’ve come to Bela krajina seeking adventure, a well-deserved break, or the warm embrace of Kolpa River. Alongside snacks and drinks, they also benefit from hints as to what is worth experiencing in Bela krajina before returning home. We locals are also noticing that the House of delicacies breathed a breath of fresh air in the life of the city centre. Welcome to the Bela Krajina House of delicacies, where each visit becomes an unforgettable experience. Be sure to ask about the tasting packages and enjoy the aroma of excellent local wines and the taste of local delicacies.