Cerkev Svetega Martina

Cerkev Svetega Martina

Za metliško cerkev Sv. Martina oziroma po domače “Martinsko cerkvico” ve zelo malo ljudi. Cerkev se nahaja na zahodnem delu Metlike in je pomaknjena v breg. Za cerkvijo stoji kužno znamenje, ki je eno najstarejših v svoji vrsti in je zaščiteno ter razglašeno za spomenik. Cerkvica je prvič omenjena v 17. stoletju, njen obstoj pa sodeč po notranjima freskama Gospodovega oznanjenja Mariji in Marijine zaroke z Jožefom sega v 15.stoletje. Zaradi arhitekturne členitve in dveh baročnih oltarjev, ki pa na žalost nista ohranjena, spada med pomembne stavbe baročne arhitekture v Beli krajini. Točna izgradnja cerkve ni znana. Okrog nje je bilo včasih pokopališče Metličanov, ki jih je ubila večkratna epidemija kuge, vendar ostanki njega niso vidni. V lopi so ohranjeni nagrobniki krupskih grofov Burgstallov.

St Martin's Church

Very few people know about St Martin’s Church, or as it is called locally, “Martin’s Church”. The church is located pushed into the bank in the western part of Metlika. A plague column that stands behind the church is one of the oldest of its kind; it has been proclaimed a protected monument.  The little church was first mentioned in the 17th century though, judging by the frescoes within depicting the Annunciation and Mary’s engagement to Joseph, it has existed since the 15th century. With its architectural layout and two Baroque altars, which have unfortunately not been preserved, it belongs among important examples of Bela krajina’s Baroque architecture. The exact date of its construction is unknown. There was once a cemetery around it accommodating Metlika’s townspeople, who have succumbed to several plague epidemics, however there remain no visible remnants of it. The church shed contains preserved tombstones of Krupa’s Counts Burgstall.